Lack of Transparency

Published on 20 November 2024 at 10:48

There have been many occasions recently where Mayor Meehan has shown that she is not 
transparent. Many of her actions are suspicious and her explanations lack truthful responses, only


Hiring Town Manager started October 2023 by the Personnel Committee which consist
of 2 board members appointed by each board, the Town Board, Water Board and
Sanitation Board. All recordings need to be put into record at Town Hall per CORA,
(Colorado Open Records Act). My records request only supplied the one recording that
Kerry Welch put on file at Town Hall. This recording is proof how Candy Meehan
does not follow regulations and was causing strife with boards.

Ref: Personnel Committee and strife with 3 boards12142023 recording.mp3

 “FW Sanitation District Memo” discussion emails on dissolving NSD between Town
Manager, Attorney and Mayor Ref: FW Sanitation memo email.pdf

 Attorneys’ final dissolution memo Ref: Dissolution Memo

 April 10, 24 meeting had draft IGA cost estimate $13,000 which still has not been
resolved. This includes $6,225 from 2023. Ref: IGA Draft

 From January 2024 to August 2024, $25,476 has been spent on attorneys.

 Attorney invoices that were once not redacted immediately became redacted after the
public and recall committee questioned the reason for the large amounts of money being
spent in legal fees. Mayor Meehan ordered these invoices to be redacted so they could not
be used against her. Why would attorney invoices need to be redacted if she was acting
within her authority and appropriately? Ref: Attorney Bills March Ref: Attorney April

 Mayor Meehan has been using a criminal investigation to justify her inappropriate actions
regarding spending. This criminal investigation has nothing to do with the recall, nor
absolves her from wrongdoing. All the criminal investigation proves is she did not
commit a crime – but does not prove that she was acting ethically. Ref: CBI Letter for
DA request Ref: DA Letter not to prosecute

 Mayor Meehan constantly adds executive sessions to the agenda without proper session
description. By doing this, the meeting appears suspicious to the public, when we have
the right to know what the board will be meeting about.

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