Mayor Meehan has shown that she lacks leadership qualities, despite all the classes and trainings she has attended on the taxpayer’s dime.
- When all of the town staff either were terminated or resigned Mayor Meehan did nothing to solve the issue. Mayor Meehan mentioned “I called a few people” and that was it.
- Comment from former Trustee Morgan Rummel – Rummel told Mayor Meehan that she should step down. Ref: July 10, 2024 Meeting
- Trustee Mike Grady has also asked Mayor Meehan to step down.
- Mayor Meehan has shown that she lacks leadership qualities, despite all the classes and trainings she has attended on the taxpayer’s dime.
- For nearly thirty years the town board, water and sanitation have operated smoothly with the previous IGA until now. Ref: IGA
- Mayor Meehan has made it clear she has intentions to control the other boards (water and sanitation) and the result has been a hostile environment for staff. Ref: Dec. 14, 2023 Recording of Manager Selection & IGA with Personnel Committee
- Mayor Meehan micromanages the town staff instead of allowing them to do their jobs.
- Mayor Meehan fails to demonstrate leadership during times of uncertainty. She takes the credit when other trustees offer solutions to problems.
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